Tuesday, August 9, 2011

tuesday challenging...

my husband is quite the trooper. sometimes the kiddos aren't good subjects because they move a lot. so lately, the hubs has been my test model. and he's doing such a great job.

but shh don't tell anyone. he really LOVES getting photos of himself done, he just HATES posing for them. he used to always ask me to take and edit pictures for his facebook. lol so whenever we take any he's always hounding me to get them up for him.

before SOOC:

1. Because I can't figure out how to install/run Noiseware, I just reduce the noise using Filter > Noise > Reduce Noise.
2. Sharpen the photo a bit using Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask.
3. Ran Pure Photoshop Action's Summer Haze and Warm and Soft Baby actions.
4. Brightened his eyes a bit with the Pioneer Woman''s Bring Out The Eyes (dialed the opacity down to 65%...might even dial it down a bit lower to prevent that "300" affect. lol)
5. Used the Pioneer Woman's Quick Edge Burn action (opacity at 46%) for a slight vignette.

I've never used several actions at once before...I'm kinda liking the effect it has. I might just put that in my post-processing arsenal. :D

linking up with touch-up tuesday 

what do you think?

and i'll close out this post with a cute pic of austin i took tonight during bathtime. lol he was really intense about throwing this toy turtle.

linking up with sweet shot tuesday

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